Hey everyone, for today I thought I would post a few historic facts that I found pretty interesting:
1- It has been calculated that there has only been 240 years of peace in the world 2- Of all the deadliest wars ever fought, 7 where fought in China 3- The US Constitution contains many spelling ungrammatical errors 4- Up until the 1800 century, dentures where made with the teeth of dead soldiers 5- During the Ice Age, people used human skulls as cups 6- In ancient Egypt, servants were covered in honey as to attract flies away from pharaoh 7- In ancient rome, urine was used as mouthwash 8- In medieval times, animals where sometimes put on trial, and sometimes sentenced to death 9- Gorgias of Epirus was born in his dead mothers coffin 10- During the 1800's, living people were accidentally buried so often that coffins where built with a mechanism that allowed living people in the grave to pull a string that would ring a bell to get the attention of anyone nearby.
How BIG is the universe? Thats probably a question we all ask ourselves. Well, in this post, I will try my best to explain the immensity of the universe: Does it have a center? Does it have an edge?! Is it getting bigger???!!! Lets find out....
To start, I want to point out something called the observable universe. The observable universe is everything that we have been able to see or observe so far. Basically, the observable universe is the region of space visible to us. And everything we HAVE seen has been light from stars and planets that has been traveling for over 13.8 billion years. Pretty hard to wrap your mind around, isn't it? Oh just wait, its going to get even more confusing.
The observable universe, or the space we have seen so far, has a diameter of 93 billion light years. The size of the earth compared to the observable universe is about the size of a VIRUS compared to the SOLAR SYSTEM!!! Isn't that nuts? And the universe itself it thought to be much, much bigger, probably infinite.
Now, what about the center of the universe? Well, thats easy. Its us! Thats because the center of the observable universe is the region of space we have observed from earth.
Finally, is the universe getting bigger? Yes! In fact, older light from farther in the universe is on its way to the observable universe, to where we can see it. What that means is all we have to do is wait while are view and understanding of the cosmos gets bigger and bigger.
Here is a neat video I found that gives you a visual of what I was talking about... try to at least watch 3:00 of it. And I will warn you, the video does make you feel pretty darn small. Haha
I really hope you all enjoyed this post, because I found it very interesting. This is a great example of the ultimate power of God!
Today for science, I studied acids, bases, and pH. Here are some basic facts about about how it works:
PH, or potential for hydrogen, is the determination of how many hydrogen ions a specific substance has. It measures wether this substance is a base or a acid. The neutral pH value is 7, which is pure water. Anything above 7 is a base, and anything below 7 is and acid. Here is a picture of the pH chart:
There is also mathematics involved in the chart. Mathematicians call it logarithmic. Each scale is a factor of 10, so pH 2, for example, is 10 times more acidic than pH3, and 100 times more acidic than pH4.
How to know if its an acid:
- Tastes sour
- Conducts electricity
- Ruins metal
- Donates hydrogen ions
Strong and weak acids are differed by how much hydrogen ions are released. Strong acids release many H ions, while weak ones only release a few.
One of the strongest acids known is found right in your stomach! It aids in breaking down food and killing germs. Although it could easily burn a hole right through us, our bodies are designed in a special way so that it protects us from this acid.
The exact opposite of an acid is a base. Bases taste more chalky and bitter than sour. It also becomes very slippery when wet, like a bar of soap for example. Strong bases can burn your skin just like strong acids can.
Bases can be used to repel dangerous acids, and acids can be used to repel dangerous bases. For example, the acidic venom from a bee sting can be neutralized by applying baking soda. Or the toxic base from a jellyfish sting can be neutralized by applying an acid, like vinegar.
I hope you found this somewhat useful, entertaining even. This is one of my more boring posts, but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless. Thanks for checking out my blog!
A boy sat in a muddy trench leaning against the side of a supply box. He had on a light blue soldiers uniform, or at least it used to be light blue. It was now covered with black mud and stained with blood that was not his own. The sound of gunshots, bombs, and screaming men could be heard in the distance. The boy, about 16 years old, tears streaming down his face, held a dirty letter in his hand. The letter was for his mother. It simply read: "Dear mother, I am not dead yet. But it is only a matter of time. Love your only son, Hugo." He wondered how long it would be until the French army was overrun.
Hugo staggered down to one of the dugouts, sobbing and shaking with fear. The ceiling, made of soil, rained dirt because of the thunderous booms of the exploding bombs above. He started looking for another place to hide. "Hugo!" a voice shouted from above "Hugo! You dirty little foot slogger! Get you're skinny little hide up here NOW!" The boy got up, still holding the letter, and ran back up the stairway. Colonel Ethan stood there, a nasty scowl upon scared face. "Hugo!" he said again, only inches from the boys face. "You are to be up there helping the men! To be fighting!" he grabbed Hugo's arm, with his iron hard grip, and tugged him along, getting closer to the fighting armies. "Whats this?" He snatched the letter from the boys hand. Hugo reacted, reaching for it. But the colonel was to fast. "Please, sir! That letter is for my mother!" Colonel Ethan, still holding the boy back, crumpled the letter with his other hand. "Sir..." Hugo's voice was croaky, and tears once again streamed freely down his cheeks. "Go, I say!" he said, throwing Hugo away. "Go and fight!"
Today for geography, I read and wrote about Ireland. Here are some facts about its terrain, size and location:
Ireland is located in the Atlantic Ocean, separated from Great Britan by the Irish Sea. Being half the size of Arkansas, it takes up the whole island, except for the six counties that make up Northern Ireland, which are part of the United Kingdom.
The terrain consists of lower central plains surrounded by coastal mountains. The highest peak of Ireland is Carranntoohil, which is 1,041 meters above sea level.
Carranntoohil Pic
Ireland is littered with castles and ancient ruins that used to be inhabited by the Celts in 500BC.
10 interesting facts about Ireland:
1. Ireland is a snake-free island
2. It was the Ireland culture that started Halloween
3. There is an estimated 4.75 million population on Ireland
4. In the Olympics, boxing has been Irelands most successful sport
5. St. Patrick was not even Irish, he was Roman
6. The longest place name in Ireland is Muckanaghederdauhaulia (Say that 5 times fast)
7. According to the Irish birthday traditions, people hold the birthday child upside down and bump the head slightly on the floor. The bumps correspond to the age of the child. It is believed that this tradition brings good luck
8. The Titanic, the Unsinkable Ship, was made in Ireland
9. There are more Irish people living OUTside of Ireland than IN
10. Drisheen is a type of pudding made from cow’s, pigs or sheep’s blood. White pudding is a mixture of pork, cereal, bread, fat and suet. Periwinkles are sea snails boiled in salted water
I hope you all liked my post! Please comment if you want me to post about the Irish CULTURE or HISTORY next. Thanks!
To enhance absorbency, every one of the diapers we tested includes a matrix of fluff material and chemical crystals, known as Super Absorbent Polymer (SAP), to soak up and trap fluid. The role of the fluff, usually made from wood pulp and may also include wheat/corn based materials, is todistribute the fluid, while the SAP is intended to absorb fluid and lock it in the core and away from baby. The bulk of the diaper, especially when wet, is composed of the core materials. We consider this the 2nd most important material to understand.
A lone figure stood among the brush of a dense forest. In his hands he held a bundle of something wrapped in blankets. He was waiting for something, and had been waiting for almost three hours now. The cool wind blew up inside his cloak and sent a tremor down his spine. Loud forest noises filled the night air. The bundle stirred. The man rocked the bundle in his arm then held it close to him, for the warmth of both him and the small baby inside. He had tried so hard for the good of his son. But he couldn't bring him this time. No, not this time. He will have to give this burden to his sister. His wife had died the night his son was born. The man tried not to remember what had happened that night. There was a sudden rushing in the foliage ahead. "Athena?" he called for his sister. "Athena, are you there?" He was answered only with the thwacking sound of a bowstring and a sudden thud of a object hitting his shoulder. He screamed in pain, almost dropping the baby. Another noise came from the brush. A laugh. His hands were no longer carrying the bundle. Then all was quite. It had all happened so fast. The man choked back blood. The arrow had pierced his heart. "Kallum!" he coughed "Kallum, no!" Then all was black.
Hey there everybody! Today I wanted to share a piano song I have been working on for a little while. In this video, I only played a small part of the song, and please excuse my mistakes :) Hope you all like it! Here is a link to my video:
The Warner Bros. theme is actually quite simple. Just follow these 3 easy steps and you will find it easy to play.
Step 1.
First thing you need to know is that the whole song is in G# major. So, to start, play a G#, (preferably one of the G#'s at the top notes of your piano) with your right hand pointer finger. From there, hit the C (to the right of the G# you just played) with your ring finger. Then, go down 2 keys and play an A# with your middle finger. Then, finally, play an F with your thumb. Play everything I explained above in order a few times, to get used to the fingering. Here is a picture to help you with the order:
Step 2.
Now, we are going to move down to the nearest C# to what we just played above. The fingering is going to be exactly the same as we did in Step 1, so you will begin by playing a C# with your pointer finger. Then go up a few notes and play an F with your ring finger. From there, play a D# with your middle finger, then a C with your thumb. Practice playing all of those notes in order:
Step 3.
For Step 3, all you have to do is play Step 1 and Step 2 all the way down your piano! End on Step 2, then play 2-4 octaves of G#, and then you've successfully played the Warner Bros. Theme! Congratulations!
If you would like to see me playing the song, and a few other movie intros as well, make sure to check out this video here: MOVIE INTROS ON PIANO
Thanks for checking out my blog, and don't forget to come back later for more posts!
Hey there everyone! This is the first post to my blog! I know its this post is boring, but I'm still trying to figure out how to properly use blogger, so this is somewhat of a test post. Look forward to more exiting posts in the future!