Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Interesting History Facts

Hey everyone, for today I thought I would post a few historic facts that I found pretty interesting:

1- It has been calculated that there has only been 240 years of peace in the world

2- Of all the deadliest wars ever fought, 7 where fought in China

3- The US Constitution contains many spelling ungrammatical errors
4- Up until the 1800 century, dentures where made with the teeth of dead soldiers

5- During the Ice Age, people used human skulls as cups

6- In ancient Egypt, servants were covered in honey as to attract flies away from pharaoh

7- In ancient rome, urine was used as mouthwash

8- In medieval times, animals where sometimes put on trial, and sometimes sentenced to death 

9- Gorgias of Epirus was born in his dead mothers coffin

10- During the 1800's, living people were accidentally buried so often that coffins where built with a mechanism that allowed living people in the grave to pull a string that would ring a bell to get the attention of anyone nearby.