Tuesday, October 4, 2016

How to Play the Warner Bros. Theme on Piano

The Warner Bros. theme is actually quite simple. Just follow these 3 easy steps and you will find it easy to play.

Step 1.

First thing you need to know is that the whole song is in G# major. So, to start, play a G#, (preferably one of the G#'s at the top notes of your piano) with your right hand pointer finger. From there, hit the C (to the right of the G# you just played) with your ring finger. Then, go down 2 keys and play an A# with your middle finger. Then, finally, play an F with your thumb. Play everything I explained above in order a few times, to get used to the fingering. Here is a picture to help you with the order:

Step 2.

Now, we are going to move down to the nearest C# to what we just played above. The fingering is going to be exactly the same as we did in Step 1, so you will begin by playing a C# with your pointer finger. Then go up a few notes and play an F with your ring finger. From there, play a D# with your middle finger, then a C with your thumb. Practice playing all of those notes in order:

Step 3.

For Step 3, all you have to do is play Step 1 and Step 2 all the way down your piano! End on Step 2, then play 2-4 octaves of G#, and then you've successfully played the Warner Bros. Theme! Congratulations!

If you would like to see me playing the song, and a few other movie intros as well, make sure to check out this video here: MOVIE INTROS ON PIANO

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