Monday, March 27, 2017

The Skeletal System

The skeletal system is the structure of bones inside our body. They protect our internal organs, are our internal scaffolding, and produce blood cells for the rest of our body.

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Different Kinds of Bone
We have all kinds of different bones in our body, some of these being long bones like the femur, short bones like the wrist bones, and even flat bones like the skull.

There are two different types of bone in the human body. The first one is compact bone, which is typically dense, strong, and smooth. The second is cancellous bone, which  is mostly light and spongey.

Parts of a Bone
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Take a bone like the one above.
The diaphyses part is composed of compact bone, while the epiphyses is composed of cancellous bone. Inside a bone like this is where bone marrow is kept, which produces blood for the rest of your body.

The Axial and Appendicular Skeleton

Axial Skeleton:
The axial skeleton is basically the center of the human skeleton, containing 80 bones, some of these being the skull, vertebrae column, and thorax.

Appendicular Skeleton:
This part of the skeletal system branches off the axial skeleton. It consists of 126 bones, some of these being the shoulders, hips, and the upper and lower extremities. Our hands and wrists consist of 27 separate bones, these being a large majority of bones that make up our appendicular system. Because of this, they are the most adjustable part of our body. Our lower extremities include our legs and feet. The 2 biggest and heaviest bones in our body, the femur, is in the upper legs.

How to keep the Skeletal System Healthy

Consume Products High in Calcium
Calcium keeps our bones strong and healthy. If you don't have a sufficient amount of calcium, your bones become weak and brittle

Get Lots of Vitamin D
Spending as little as 15 minutes in sunlight a day will definitely improve the health of your whole body.

Bones benefit from the occasional stress from exercising. It will also help them to grow stronger the more they our used.

Getting at least 8 hours of sleep is a great way to help your body. Make sure you spine is in a healthy position when you sleep.

Weighing only about 30 pounds, standing stronger than concrete, even able to repair itself, it remains the perfect material to be the framework of the human body.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence

After the Olive Branch Petition, when King George III sent 30,000 German Hessian troops to fight with the British, a man named Richard Henry of Virginia presented a resolution that said that the colonials where free and that they had their own independent states. Congress responded by drafting a Declaration of Independence with the help of Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson. The resolution was passed, and the United States of America was born... provided the colonists won the war.

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We now celebrate July 4th as Independence day.

Some Cool Facts:

Jefferson was quite unhappy about some of the edits made to his original draft of the Declaration of Independence. He had originally included language condemning the British promotion of the slave trade (even though Jefferson himself was a slave owner). This criticism of the slave trade was removed in spite of Jefferson’s objections.

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both died on July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the vote to approve the Declaration of Independence.

Once the Declaration of Independence had been written and signed, printer John Dunlap was asked to make about 200 copies to be distributed throughout the colonies. Today, the “Dunlap Broadsides” are extremely rare and valuable. In 1989, someone discovered a previously unknown Dunlap Broadside. It was sold for over $8 million in 2000. There are only 26 known surviving Dunlap Broadsides today.

The Circulatory System (How Your Heart and Blood Functions)

In todays post I will be explaining how your Circulatory System works. I will also be sharing a few cool facts. I hope you find this informative and interesting.
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The Heart
The circulatory system is a very important and effective system in your body. It keeps us moving and circulates oxygen throughout our whole body. But none of this would be possible if it wasn't for the main and most important part of our body: the heart. The heart is one of three types of muscle, called the a cardiac muscle, or heart muscle. The heart is located right in between the lungs, from which it circulates oxygen to keep the body energized. After it circulates throughout the whole body, it sends back waste (carbon dioxide), which you then exhale. This process continues for the rest of your life.

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Inside the heart, there are four chambers. Two chamber receive blood from the body and circulate it through the lungs to grab oxygen, and the other two chamber push it out through the body, spreading the oxygen where it needs to go. There is definitely much more to say about the heart, but thats all I will say for now.

Blood keeps every single part of you body circulating with oxygen. It also helps to fight germs and disease. If it wasn't for blood, nothing in your body would function at all.

Blood is a mixture of cells and a slightly yellowish liquid called plasma. This plasma is mostly make of water, but it also contains proteins, sugars, hormones and salts. There are three different types of cells mixed with the plasma, these being red blood cells (or erythrocytes), white blood cells (or leukocytes), and thrombocytes.

Red Blood Cells are what give you blood that red color. Theses are also the cells that transport oxygen throughout your body.

White Blood Cells are you body's defense system. Once they figure out the location of an infection, they go to attack and eat the germs there.

Thrombocytes work together to fill up and fix any gap or tear in a blood vessel. After this tear is healed and replaced by new cells, the thrombocytes detach and float away to its next destination.

How to Keep Your Circulatory System Healthy

The circulatory system is what keeps you body alive and flowing, so for that reason it is vital to keep it healthy. Here are some great ways to do that.

Engage in Physical Activity/Exercise
This helps to keep your blood flowing. It also helps to reduce the risk of conditions that make the system work harder, these being high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol.

Eat High Quality Foods
Eating foods like fruits and vegetables significantly improves the health of the circulatory system. Also, it is important to avoid processed food.

Maintain a Healthy Weight
Being overweight increases your risk of high blood pressure and diabetes, all of which give you more of a chance to have a heart attack.