Hey everyone, for today I thought I would post a few historic facts that I found pretty interesting:
1- It has been calculated that there has only been 240 years of peace in the world 2- Of all the deadliest wars ever fought, 7 where fought in China 3- The US Constitution contains many spelling ungrammatical errors 4- Up until the 1800 century, dentures where made with the teeth of dead soldiers 5- During the Ice Age, people used human skulls as cups 6- In ancient Egypt, servants were covered in honey as to attract flies away from pharaoh 7- In ancient rome, urine was used as mouthwash 8- In medieval times, animals where sometimes put on trial, and sometimes sentenced to death 9- Gorgias of Epirus was born in his dead mothers coffin 10- During the 1800's, living people were accidentally buried so often that coffins where built with a mechanism that allowed living people in the grave to pull a string that would ring a bell to get the attention of anyone nearby.
How BIG is the universe? Thats probably a question we all ask ourselves. Well, in this post, I will try my best to explain the immensity of the universe: Does it have a center? Does it have an edge?! Is it getting bigger???!!! Lets find out....
To start, I want to point out something called the observable universe. The observable universe is everything that we have been able to see or observe so far. Basically, the observable universe is the region of space visible to us. And everything we HAVE seen has been light from stars and planets that has been traveling for over 13.8 billion years. Pretty hard to wrap your mind around, isn't it? Oh just wait, its going to get even more confusing.
The observable universe, or the space we have seen so far, has a diameter of 93 billion light years. The size of the earth compared to the observable universe is about the size of a VIRUS compared to the SOLAR SYSTEM!!! Isn't that nuts? And the universe itself it thought to be much, much bigger, probably infinite.
Now, what about the center of the universe? Well, thats easy. Its us! Thats because the center of the observable universe is the region of space we have observed from earth.
Finally, is the universe getting bigger? Yes! In fact, older light from farther in the universe is on its way to the observable universe, to where we can see it. What that means is all we have to do is wait while are view and understanding of the cosmos gets bigger and bigger.
Here is a neat video I found that gives you a visual of what I was talking about... try to at least watch 3:00 of it. And I will warn you, the video does make you feel pretty darn small. Haha
I really hope you all enjoyed this post, because I found it very interesting. This is a great example of the ultimate power of God!
Today for science, I studied acids, bases, and pH. Here are some basic facts about about how it works:
PH, or potential for hydrogen, is the determination of how many hydrogen ions a specific substance has. It measures wether this substance is a base or a acid. The neutral pH value is 7, which is pure water. Anything above 7 is a base, and anything below 7 is and acid. Here is a picture of the pH chart:
There is also mathematics involved in the chart. Mathematicians call it logarithmic. Each scale is a factor of 10, so pH 2, for example, is 10 times more acidic than pH3, and 100 times more acidic than pH4.
How to know if its an acid:
- Tastes sour
- Conducts electricity
- Ruins metal
- Donates hydrogen ions
Strong and weak acids are differed by how much hydrogen ions are released. Strong acids release many H ions, while weak ones only release a few.
One of the strongest acids known is found right in your stomach! It aids in breaking down food and killing germs. Although it could easily burn a hole right through us, our bodies are designed in a special way so that it protects us from this acid.
The exact opposite of an acid is a base. Bases taste more chalky and bitter than sour. It also becomes very slippery when wet, like a bar of soap for example. Strong bases can burn your skin just like strong acids can.
Bases can be used to repel dangerous acids, and acids can be used to repel dangerous bases. For example, the acidic venom from a bee sting can be neutralized by applying baking soda. Or the toxic base from a jellyfish sting can be neutralized by applying an acid, like vinegar.
I hope you found this somewhat useful, entertaining even. This is one of my more boring posts, but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless. Thanks for checking out my blog!