Friday, February 24, 2017

The Brain

Today I am doing a report on the brain and how it works, what its made of, and how to support it. I also will share a few interesting facts.

How does it work?

There are 7 main parts of the brain: the brain stem, the hippocampus, occipital lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, and the cerebellum.
Image result for sections of the brain

The Brain Stem
The brain is found in the very center of the brain it controls very important functions such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. It lets our body know if we are hungry or thirsty. Its also the seat of are most fundamental emotions.

The Hippocampus
This is a very important part of the brain, mainly because its where we store are memory.

Occipital Lobe
This part of the brain controls vision.

Parietal Lobe
The Parietal Lobe contains sensory information.

Temporal Lobe
This lobe is the center for memory and learning. It contains the hippocampus, and helps us to recognize objects or faces.

Frontal Lobe
The Frontal Lobe basically defines us as human. This is where are emotions and personality reside, as well as language and social behavior. This lobe is our decision making center.

This part of the brain controls movement,  giving accessibility to move muscles.

What is the brain made of?

Image result for brain cells

The brain is made up of billions upon billion of cells called neurons. These cells connect with one another, communicating and forming long, complicated networks. Those networks are the basis of how the brain does what it does.

How to Support and Nervous System

There are many ways to keep your nervous system in shape. Here are some great ways to do that:

-Make sure to keep yourself calm and not be stressed, stress is very unhealthy for you whole body
-Eat a balanced diet
-Drink plenty of water and other fluids
-Avoid alcohol and drugs
-Increase your attention span and learn new things everyday

There are also some essential oils you can use for your nervous system and brain:

-Ylang Ylang

Image result for healthy nervous system

Also, here are some cool facts about the brain that I found very interesting:

If you've ever wondered what a brain might feel like, this is how. The human brain is covered in membranes that protect and anchor it inside the skull. These membranes tend to feel quite leathery. If you where to remove these and run your hand over the a surface of the brain itself, it would feel smooth and soft, similar to a ripe plum.

The record for the biggest brain is held by the sperm whale. Its brain is about the size of a pumpkin and weighs more than 17 pounds. Thats 5 times heavier than the human brain.

In 2004, a study was done on 144 six year olds. They where randomly divided into 4 groups. One group was given free piano lessons, another free singing lessons, another free drama lessons, and the last group, the control group, was given no lessons at all. Thirty six weeks later, all the children took an IQ test. All the groups improved there scores in the 36 week period. But the two music groups improved more. A LOT more. Students in the non music group improved there scores by about 5.5 points. Students in the music group improved there scores by about 8.5 points. So how did this happen? Basically, certain areas of the brain show as significantly more developed among people who play musical instruments. The main parts of the brain that develop are the Primary Motor Cortex, the Auditory Cortex, and the Visual Cortex. So this means that it the brain of a musician actually look physically different from the brain of a non musician. A late, famous neuroscientist named Dr. Oliver Sacks once wrote: "Anatomists would be hard put to identify the brain of a visual artist, a writer, or a mathematician. But they could recognize the brain of a professional musician without a moments hesitation".